
Partner portal

Welcome to the partner portal of Flavors of the world Corporation. Mother company and owner of Café Paris Garden. This section is dedicated to the corporation’s shareholders and those who want to be part of this business and its growth.

The Café Paris Garden project began on paper as a business plan almost a year ago. It physically began its operations with the opening of the first Café Paris Garden branch in June 2022.

Our vision is to become a benchmark in the USA for Argentine delicacies.

The mission is to install in Miami a firm brand of true Argentine gastronomy with products that are different from the rest of the existing options.

To carry out this demanding mission, we divided the development of the company into stages. In the first stage, we opened the first branch in South Beach, installing Argentine products of excellent quality that stand out from consolidated brands, in a familiar, pleasant atmosphere that generates an identification with the place in the growing market.

We carried out the initial part of brand image formation with a planned comprehensive marketing, achieving an excellent product and reputation that grows daily without high costs.

The second stage will begin at the beginning of 2023 and consists of the opening of a new branch, larger than the first, where the brand will be definitively consolidated in Miami and towards the middle or end of 2023 the third branch and a production center will standardize the merchandise. and it will close the consolidation stage in the USA that will be accompanied by a very strong equity growth of the company by increasing its share value along with its financial growth.

The third stage will be the arrival in New York of the company and the opening of franchises. Take advantage of this unique and exclusive opportunity for a limited time to be part of this business in its initial stage, but which already has concrete support and presence in the market. You do not participate in an idea, you participate in a successful business that begins an exponential development with the participation that you want at your level. Being a corporation you can participate by buying the shares you think are appropriate.

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